Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Something i read which interests me....

Was reading up a book, and came across this,

"For us adults, drawing is a gift reserved for a special few. Some people draw, some write, some think, some drive a truck. This kind of specialization, the division of tasks into categories, leads to the fragmentation of human beings life become limited."

I have been pondering about after reading this sentence. Is it true that when we grow up, we see and know more things and tend to hold back for fear of something?
The author says something like, "If i were to give you a pencil and ask you to draw something, 'Just anything', what will your blank piece of paper be? And if i were to give a child of 5years of age, once i handed the child a pencil and a piece of paper, the child will take the pencil and started drawing..."

Is it true that we will turn more evil as we aged?

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