Wednesday, June 24, 2009

School Notes Out !!!

Looks like it's going to be a tough semester ahead...

Oh well, today's weather is so cooling and how i wish i'm able to just snuggle myself in my bed with my booster :x Heehee

Lightless, motionless & drainless;
i sat in the corner of my room, thinking all the things you'd said.
Gloominess, stillness & lonliness ......
night, i sank my face inbetween my folding arms, refreshing all our past memories.

Plain, white, bright, emptiness;
i could not bear to think further.
Red, black, dark, hysterias ......
as your words seemed to be chanting and chanting nonchalantly about our promises.

Happiness, joy, contentment;
when i saw us doing the things together.
Hatred, anger, delirium ......
when you kept everything and i didn't know anything!!! Telling me why why why !!!

Tears, window pane & ledge;
i cried alone quietly, so much so much pain deep within.
Quietness, moon & stars ......
the very last night i'll ever produce tears i promise.

School is starting soon and it's going to be a really tough semester and i seriously do not have the time to be emo once again... Got to focus focus and focus... One more year and i'll be free and i'll go on to love and be loved :D

Patience... i'm a very very patient person :p

I'm heading to gym this evening with quek and hopefully things will go well smoothly :)

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