Married to a wonderful woman with 2 children Plus 1 coming in Dec22. Started living in Cambodia Phnom Penh since starting of Dec'2020.
Monday, December 7, 2009
A girl i like...
got my results and i can say that i'm quite happy; for i thought i was going to repeat one of the modules because for sure, i don't think i was able to pass for that but luckily i passed by 1 mark in the overall grade :)
Didn't expect much for this time round of examinations because didn't really study hard enough and consistant enough for this semester... All last minute studies... felt bad about it... but i promised myself to get all HDs for next sem's 4 modules :D
Ok, didn't go to sitex at expo... sick... seriously bad coughing...
Life is just too short i guess... i think my life will be really shorten... i just hope that i am able to live till 50 and i'm really happy :)
Recently had my haircut in a saloon, a place my friend recommended me to...
I'm really in love with the hair-dresser... i had my haircut on saturday and she just keeps on reappearing in my mind...
Initially i only wanted to have my haircut and that was it, but the moment she asked do you want to wash your hair as well, her smile and the eye contacts :blushz: i was seriously stumbled and i said ok :) then she started to put shampoo on my hair and i felt so ....... i don't know... i just fell so in love with her :blushingz:
Oh well, she's one woman/lady i guess i can see from far and admire deep within :(
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Exam Stresssssss ............ Emo
Dragging onwards to nowhere is something...
I thank you for taking the very brave step which i hadn't had the courage to take...
I thank you for all the wonderful memories you left deep inside me...
As i grow older with each passing day,
i've come to realize how selfish i was when everything got to suit my way.
There were many far better off boys/men out there,
your eyes only had me and me alone here.
Life is unpredictable and weird,
the time i thought i was just somebody or even a nobody in your eyes,
i became someone special,
someone whom you could lean-onto when you were down.
Time is one strange and inexplicable factor...
Knowledge is something i gained through pain and sorrow...
Fear is the word i use to describe my future romance,
not because of what you said,
but the reality which we are in.
Chances are everywhere,
all i got to do is just to open my mouth and open my arms and let someone into my embrace.
You always said that how easy it was for me to charm and make your day.
You were happy everytime, every moment with every little simple things i did for you back then.
As months passed, year passed,
i knew you were afraid of our future,
to be honest with you, i too was afraid......
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Irritating, Irritated & irritates
SAD !!!!!!!!!!! Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Nothing to post
I have lost interests of almost everything.
Nothing motivates me, what's worse, final examinations are coming.
The more you know or learn about something, the more you think that the world is such a cruel place. Why did God create human in the first place. Why didn't you just eliminate the moment we sinned?
I know i can't blame anyone for this and i know i'm a lost sheep.
Nikon !!! or EOS !!!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Nice Article
By Bryna Sim
I'M NO stranger to hearing negative comments about the China nationals (PRCs) on our university campus.
Many gossip about their dressing and accent, and find their academic competitiveness a threat.
But I'd like to challenge such attitudes, after having spent a year in Beijing on a bicultural immersion programme.
Let's look first at dressing.
A Singaporean friend once joked that the Chinese love numbers, alphabet letters and cartoon characters on their backs.
I must admit, on the Beijing campus, it wasn't uncommon for students to attend lectures in Minnie and Mickey Mouse tops. But it was a simplicity I came to appreciate.
What's wrong with dressing down, as long as you feel confident? And why should we subject others to trends, when clothes have no bearing on character?
Now a look at classroom attitudes.
In Beijing, students go to classes 30 minutes beforehand to revise their notes and prepare questions.
During lessons, most listen, rapt, and carefully take notes. This enthusiasm remained even after class, with many cornering lecturers with questions.
Some even insisted on practising their English by conversing with me, at first highly alarming me with what seemed like a more severe case of kiasu-ism than Singapore's.
But I soon realised that such behaviour stemmed from drive and determination, not zero-sum competitiveness.
They readily offered to proofread my history essays written in Chinese , and bought me apples and oranges (or whatever fruit was in season) to ensure I was well-nourished.
It was all practical, but it came from the heart. And in return, I gave them English lessons.
I came to understand that they viewed studying hard as filial piety, especially because the parents of many of them were peasants who had toiled in the countryside all their lives just to get them into this prestigious university.
Compare such passion with the attitude of students here. Do we really pay attention to our lecturers? Or are we chatting happily on MSN or shopping online with our swanky laptops? Are we punctual? Or do we saunter in late?
And how many of us would buy presents for one another simply out of concern for another's well-being, let alone genuinely assist someone else with academic problems?
The PRCs hardly own laptops or cars, but there is richness in their modesty.
My immersion programme has been an eye-opener, and the warmth of the PRCs has humbled me. They made me feel at ease in Beijing, although I was far from home.
By comparison, we deliberately ostracise them here.
Granted, they are different from us. But they are entitled to their own manners and methods.
When I attempted to be truly open-minded, I found that I understood them better.
Now I no longer view them as different. Instead, I regard them as unique. It's not our right to insist that they fit in with us; it's rude.
What gives us the authority to deny others their culture? Why should we even think ourselves better than them? It's time for a change of heart - and perspective.
The writer, 24, attended Peking University from July 2007 to August last year. She is now a journalist with The New Paper.
This article was first published in The Straits Times.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Had gone for my 2weeks reservice; this is the reason why :)
Shall not touch on my reservice days :) Kinda enjoyed the experience :)
Yesterday i was kind of disappointed and sad...
Someone whom i thought was a very close friend/buddy, confronted me over the phone...
"Bla bla bla .... Just because i want to have a life of my own... bla bla bla"
Back in my mind, i was thinking, when did we ever stop or intercept or mess up your life ?
Then he touched on the past issue... YES Pris and me...
If all along you have been treating me as a good friend; let bygones be bygones. Relationship is mutual and it shouldn't be a barrier to brotherhood or friendship... i did nothing wrong in the past... I didn't backstab you or whatsoever and i am not the kind of guy, you jolly well know this!!! it just happened that we had feelings for each other... i even asked her if she could prefer you over me, or was alright to be with you but she posted me a question... "If it'll make you happy that i'm with him, i'll listen and suit you but deep inside, you know how much i wanted to be with you instead of him..." IF YOU WERE IN MY SHOE, WHAT WILL YOU DO ? All along, i didn't do/act/say anything bad or wrong... Be it the past, Be it the present, Be it the future!!!
Just because of one girl who called herself the yellow skin one was troubled or confused with something i said, you came and fook me upside down... i'm totally devastated and upset...
Now in order to prevent any further grudges or misunderstandings, i've decided to do something about this and everything...
I want to say something to you... if i were to be involved... you know jolly well how good i can be and it's a matter of whether i want it to be or not... i have no time for other issues... and get this straight into your upper head...
I knew what you did and what you have done... i've been thinking alot... why is this happening to you... YSL is going through alot and yet... i just cannot imagine what a person you have become...
Nevertheless, i just wish you happiness then...
Now i understand why that day at the Macdonald's you behaved and acted in such arrogant and status gap manner... it forms the bigger picture afterall... i'm a thinker, i analyze and i don't jump into conclusion... the things you did... i seriously have nothing to say...
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Then we chatted and talked about other things as well...
Ok maybe because i've been through many ups and downs in my life, i guess over the many years we have known each other, i guess that's about it...
Executed without further thoughts;
No issue at hand
What seems like happiness;
Might be lies disguised
Feels like new adventure;
Ultimately leading nowhere ahead
Wounds you try healing;
Damages done beyond repair
Words can never conceal;
True colors I saw
WAKE UP !!!!!!!!!!
Years of mutual bonding
Days of new fonding
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
What is happiness ?
I used to think that happiness is when you are with someone you love and in return, she loves you back as much as you love that person... it isn't the case.
I used to think that happiness is when you see the smile on her face, you feel at ease and hug her so sweetly, embrace her warmth to your body... it isn't the case.
I used to think that happiness is when you are having a simple and enjoyable meal with the one you love, eating, drinking and looking at her... it isn't the case.
I used to think that happiness is when you see her happy, which in return you felt happy that she was happy and we were happy... it isn't the case.
Till this day, i have yet to know what true happiness is...
It's so much easier to know what is sadness, emo and anger...
What is happiness ?
The very moment you held my hands,
i could see our futures at hand.
The very moment you took out the ring,
i could hear my inner bells tinkling.
The very moment you spoke the words,
i could taste the sweetness of our world.
The very moment you hugged me so tight,
i could feel our lives excite.
Why ?
Why do you walk away now ?
Why ?
Why is this happening ?
Why ?
Why do i have so many Why(s) ?
Why ?
Why can't we give it a one last final try ?
Decision Made
Words Spoken
Angers Rising
Hatred Building
Feelings Fading
Love's Dying
Feeling frustrating
Feeling lost
Friday, June 26, 2009
Sleepless night
"How are you?" It's been years since i last saw you.
It wasn't her, but she definitely looked like her... she's slightly taller and much prettier... and she used to like funny funny jewelleries... She was very unique... She those dare-devil...
I have so many things i wanted to say to you. I know you will never ever look into my eyes again...
Thursday, June 25, 2009
The story of a tree and its leaves...
This is a very classical story of what's happening in a relationship...
The reason why the leaf left the tree was because of wind's pursue or simply because the tree had refused to hold onto the leaf back... or could it be simply because the leaf wanted to leave ? Or could it be that the leaf wanted to see some foreign ground after hearing stories from the seasonal birds how beautiful the world is ?
Each reason has its own individual meaning, and it reflects one person's way of perceiving things...
Went to the gym with quek yesterday evening... Did some workout.... Totally painful...
Body aching terribly... how i wish i can just lie on my bed longer... oh well i can feel them bigger now :D
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
School Notes Out !!!
Oh well, today's weather is so cooling and how i wish i'm able to just snuggle myself in my bed with my booster :x Heehee
Lightless, motionless & drainless;
i sat in the corner of my room, thinking all the things you'd said.
Gloominess, stillness & lonliness ......
night, i sank my face inbetween my folding arms, refreshing all our past memories.
Plain, white, bright, emptiness;
i could not bear to think further.
Red, black, dark, hysterias ......
as your words seemed to be chanting and chanting nonchalantly about our promises.
Happiness, joy, contentment;
when i saw us doing the things together.
Hatred, anger, delirium ......
when you kept everything and i didn't know anything!!! Telling me why why why !!!
Tears, window pane & ledge;
i cried alone quietly, so much so much pain deep within.
Quietness, moon & stars ......
the very last night i'll ever produce tears i promise.
School is starting soon and it's going to be a really tough semester and i seriously do not have the time to be emo once again... Got to focus focus and focus... One more year and i'll be free and i'll go on to love and be loved :D
Patience... i'm a very very patient person :p
I'm heading to gym this evening with quek and hopefully things will go well smoothly :)
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Hahaa got to furnish the report out ya :p
Supposingly to finish and email them on saturday, the moment i reached home on friday, woots tired.... Saturday came and i totally forgot about this :x and happily went out with my friends and enjoyed myself and the night of mahjong HAHAHAA
Then it was after the mahjong session, around 6plus in the morning HAHAA Very early, then i remembered that i got to rush the report !!!! O_____x
Hahaa i was totally shagged out, i slept the moment i reached home...
Guess what, i wokeup at 930am because of the noise !!! Awwwww hahaa i couldn't sleep!!!
Oh well, had my breakfast and started doing the work...
And finally i finished by 1600hrs!!! Kind of easy work but tedious... AWWWWW.....
So tired, i quickly sent the report off and went back to bed :p
Oh well, i guess i'm going to do something new and hopefully can stick to it...
I'm going to gym regularly and here's my plan.
I hope to go gym every wednesdays and saturdays, cycling on every mondays and thursdays :)
Sounds cool ?
Have my controlled dieting lunch meals on wednesdays and fridays
Heehee sounds abit eclectic and trill :D
Ya that's about it :)
Nothing much to blog...
School is going to start and i have yet to make my school's fees :p
Oh well, i went drinking last friday or was it a saturday? Hmm can't remember....
Hahaa getting older :x
Oh ya it was a saturday, was supposed to go Moof's house to have mahjong, but didn't know what got onto him, he seemed emo and was behaving strangely and weirdly these days :/ then quek, yoyo and i decided to go drinking :D
Hahaa i didn't really drink alot this time round :D
I ordered one corona's ultra COOL :D
then stupid quek ordered don't know what coke something awwwwww tasted awfully disgusting :x
Then he ordered another one don't konw lime something then i had to finish the coke something awwww i'm a good drinker :x
I had few beers before going out to meet them up for drinking :p *Secretly...
Hahaa it was damn hot in the afternoon lor, chill beer is kind of cooling for me :D
After our drinking session, it was around midnight and you know what, we found out that Moof actually wanted to play mahjong and not drinking !!! Kao* Quek told me he's not kin in playing mahjong, that's why he suggested we go drinking, LOLx, nevermind in the end, we had mahjong in Moof's house and i won abit of money from them :p
Ya that's about all :)
Then it was yesterday when a friend of mine pasted a link
Awwwww.... Time to stop drinking... My family line has history of cancers.... Oh well... Who knows, i may not live till 30? :) but then life still goes on for now :)
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Interesting Crime in Singapore
"Police warn of new phone extortion scam targeting businesses"
By Hoe Yeen Nie, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 17 June 2009 1846 hrs
It seems like it's not the first time such incidents happen. I just received a call yesterday from a china woman. The moment i heard the voice, i hangup the call. Hahaa.
Then i saw another interesting article;
"Singapore's total population grew to 4.84m in 2008, up 5.5% over previous year"
By Imelda Saad, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 17 June 2009 1725 hrs
Hahaa what can i say... while singapore still continues to face the long-term challenge of low fertility and an ageing population, Foreigners now make up about 25 per cent of the total population.What an interesting fact!!! Jobs were taken away from us, and now, young singaporeans like me and my peers are facing pressures as in whether to even find girlfriends or boyfriends and still far from marriage boy!!! Hahaa.
Oh well enough of these funny articles... which made my day, i went to watch "Drag me to hell" movie last night with my university classmates... Kinda sad, all guys!!! Hahaa we are being very anti-social, ohwell who cares :p
The show is kind of interesting to me, scary and expected ending... Most probably i knew what's going to happen next though :\
Oh well if you like something shocking out of a sudden ~ Due to the loud sound system, and if you have a strong heart, do watch this show, kind of interesting... It's all about pride and ego and curse. Something interesting is how one person's action can lead to those things... Life is cruel, everything is about money, decisions are made by human beings, but if one is to excel and do well, one got to forgo kindness and sympathy you see. There's no wrong in doing what's in the book or so called "law"
Oh well that's about it. I'm not pretty good with summary heehee but if you were to ask me to talk about the show, i might be telling you what happened in the show :p
Like first she was working in this bank as a Loan Manager, appareantly the AM position was vacant and she had a chance of clinching the position... Then came this very old indian lady with lots of letters in her hand, she asked her for help; to delay her payment loan which the bank had already delayed for her for the past 2 months... Kind of ridiculuous man !!! Then she said ok she'll try to help out... But the point was, it's already delayed for 2 months, why did she still have the cheek to even come and ask...
Because of the AM position, she went to her boss and ask if the bank could allow her extension once again, the boss took a look at the papers and said that she already had her 2 times extension and asked her to decide, KAO it's because of this my pretty pretty told the old woman that she was unable to extend, itwasn't not her fault or whatsoever... then this indian old lady who was very disgusting, suddenly came down to her knees on her own and started begging her, she became physical and started kissing her feet!!!
Obviously, the reaction from the girl would be, screamed for security!!! That's when things started to be more interesting, she said to her, "You have shamed me infront of so many people!!!" Kao *Pui
Back in my mind, kao she's some witch or something and it turned out to be true !!!
Kinda of predictable story line though, then things went scarier from this moment onwards...
Oh well you got to watch it man :p
It's this movie which made me realized that life is really unpredictable...
Be thankful and greatful for what you have and the people around you :)
No point emoing most of the time... Life still goes on... Don't regret when you are facing death :)
I like the ending very much how the male actor dropped his tears!!!
The feeling of hopelessness, the yearning of wanting to be the love one forever, the pain of witnessing your love one being dragged to hell.... it's just too terrible to describe...
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
If you are reading this :)
I want you to know that i like your FB profile picture alot :)
I'm really being mesmerized by your smile :)
Sometimes i may not understand you
But time and time again you know what's deep in me
You are like my very first girlfriend, someone who is so mysterious, who doesn't share much about yourself...
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Emo Monday with another emo Tuesday :`(
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Bad Friday, Food Poisoning i guess.
Most probably due to the chicken rice i had for dinner on thursday night... While eating the chicken rice, the taste seemed kind of weird, but i don't really care because i don't like to waste food :x and i finished the whole packet :( Regretssss... Hahaa nvm...
I went to the NTUC Market, bought a packet of chicken filets, and instand maggie porridge :D
So smart of me hor :) Then i had stirred fried chicken filet with garlic sauce :)
As for the instand porridge, it sucks big time... the first and my last time eating such porridge X__x

Thursday, June 11, 2009
Bad about chew
Apparently, his wife ran away from home and hasn't come back...
He told me 3weeks ago, i thought he was joking with me but it seems like it's real...
He told me he cannot live anymore without his wife, he loves her etc etc...
I did ask him about what had gone wrong, he told me nothing....
I asked about whether he had an affair and got caught, he said no...
He told me she ran away apparently without any reason or so...
I don't know what to say... He has 3 kids... 2 boys and 1 girl.....
He told me he thought of committing sucide... this was when i lose my cool, all my vulgarities came out, i kept talking senses to him, and said something bad...
Fook care about your wife lah, you still have 3 children, girls are everywhere *(#@U*@
Find a new girl and marry lah.... bla bla bla simply blasting everything...
Oh well, i just hope he doesn't do anything silly... Guys are like girls, they are fragile at times... And it's these fragile times that they do stupid things... And a man in fragile time is much more easily shaken and broken compared to woman...
I told her about chew's matters... then she told me about her mother's friend's past...
Why such things happen... it's not like we don't accept the reality but why does it have to be this way??? Isn't there a God !!!
I want to say is, it's not that people don't accept the reality, but it's because it happens too sudden and being emotional human being, one is unable to think straight and logically and the fact is that he/she is out of the comfort zone...
Yes reality is cruel, shit does happen it's a never fair deal living on Earth...
People do accept but they react differently. If one is unable to accpet whatever had happened, he/she is already no longer on this Earth... The very fact that one is living is the proof that he's moving on...
It's like a sick person seeking medical attention being given medicine. It takes some time to recover from the illness...
Oh well, i don't know... what is going to happen to him...
As for me, myself, i know i can't love anyone right now... All those girls i'm talking about, yes they are pretty, it's just a reminder to myself that i still hope to find someone i am able to love, ini return, loving me back... I know one weakness about myself... when i'm in a relationship, i give my 100%... Although we guys like to have men's talk about don't put 100% etc etc, i don't know, i'm just different...
I still remember the time when we were at bukit banjang plaza shopping, she told me she left her mobile phone in the car, i offered to retrieve for her from the car, she said that it's ok that she go by herself since i'm buying a pair of shoes... Then i let her go... 15mins later, she wasn't back... I was seriously dead worried... I called her mobilephone, it was ringing, but no one pick it up... I quickly rushed to the multistorey carpark to the car and i saw her mobilephone still in the car... I brokedown... Many negative thoughts came to my mind... It was evening night time, the carpark was isolated, and kind of nobody... I searched the whole 7th storey carpark... Tears came down my cheeks... I was frantically searching for her... I had the thought of calling police shouting her name etc... I became bonkers... I even prepared myself mentally that if something bad were to happen to her, no matter what as long as she's alive, i'll take care for the rest of my life...
Suddenly she reappeared... I Hugged her so tightly and so dearly that she cried too and asked what happened... it's like a part of me was missing, someone dearly close to me, a part of my flesh being torn... I told her my thoughts and she promised me that she would never leave me...
She knew how much i love her... but sometimes things don't go the way two wanted it to be...
It takes time to heal, to forget about all these memories... 2years from may 15th 2009, i shall love and be loved once again :)
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Cute Wednesday
I was reading the 8days magazine and it featured the top 20 Asia's hottest Stars. As i was flipping through the pages, i saw Takeshi Kaneshiro, my all time favourite actor/singer/model/man :x My idol heehee. Then i changed my msn nick to Takeshi Kaneshiro...
Then she msged me, OMG OMG OMG i didn't know you're in my msn OMG !!!
Hahaa so cute HAHAA...
She brightens up the rest of my day Heehee
I played snooker last night with quek at bukit timah shopping centre, we reached there around 9.30pm. Had a few nice games and ended our session roughly around midnight... Heehee not bad, both of us had our chances and shots, didn't really miss alot of shots...
There were so many youngsters, and particularly i saw a young girl. She looked so cute and she's the type of girl i would go out for :x i didn't though heehee. I was watching her, got distracted on my own game though hahaa, she knew i was watching her, oh well who cares man, other guys from other tables were watching them as well, but she looked back at me though HEEHEE i guess i had higher chances among the rest Hahaa but i didn't do anything besides watching her playing her pool... could tell that she just started playing and didn't really know how to play...
Oh well if she were to approach me, i'll teach her how to play :p
Heehee, that's about yesterday night... Had a few beer before turned myself in to my bed. Don't know why, i just feel like drinking some alcohol... Oh ya, it was during our snookering game, quek showed me the thai hostess that made him thought of marriage... oh well from the blurred video he had recorded, the girl was on stage performing, she's very pretty, innocent and pure looking young girl, roughly around our age group, very model lookalike type of girl, one that many guys will die for those :x
Then we decided to head down to the place this coming saturday. For me, i just want to see how pretty she is and that's about it, nothing more :p
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Sleepy Tuesday
I guess i got to find a new job... I'm starting to get bored X_x
I'm still young, i wish to venture something weird but i'm afraid and something or someone is stopping me from venturing... My mother and money issue :x
Oh well, i went to Mr Curry House waraku to have lunch... Actually i didn't really feel like having lunch today but since my colleague asked me, it's not nice to reject so i went ahead with her to have or lunch at the central since she had this 20% discount coupon... Well, never been to waraku Mr Curry House to eat before...
We took a bus from our work place and it was just 2 bus stops away :D The weather was freaking hot X_x
I had the scallop and chicken doria while she had the seafood curry ministeamboat with rice...
Doria is somewhat like the baked rice... It has the curry in it... Not bad quite nice :D
As for the mini curry steamboat, looks nice as well. After the discount, paid 26 bucks for two person... To me it's kind of worth the money... The food was good... for me lah the Doria baked rice :)
Didn't take any pictures of the food because presentation wise, i don't find them nice but tastewise, better than average :)
That's about it, if you wish to have the 20% discount coupon, simply go to their website and print out... It's only applicable to The Central branch The Curry House Waraku :)
That's all for today... Sleepy Sleepy Z_z''
I had a short chat with her yesterday... It's kind of sudden because it was the first time she initated a chat with me purely because i put quek's nickname under mine which says, "I met a thai hostess, she made me thought of marriage."
She asked who is this thai hostess and what made me thought of marriage? Heehee
I wish i know the answer hahaa and once i find that answer, i'll tell her :p
Oh well then she just went quiet, ya that's her, i guess she was just busy or didn't really want to have a chat with me... so i just kept quiet... that's about it :)
That's all for today :)
Monday, June 8, 2009
Something to do during the free time
Mobile uploaded pictures of food !!!
Yes and i have decided to do the same thing, uploading nice food i had or going to have :D~
Something new heehee on this blog and FB !!!
I hope i am able to post nice food photos with my KU990 LG Phone hahaa
And these are the pictures of the yummy pie made by my mum :D~
Simply delicious :D~~


Sunday, June 7, 2009
The Men's Tennis Finals
Had a great weekends this week. Brother brought the car back home. Maybe he didn't know how to talk to me, well we had lots of misunderstanding over the past years. When i reached home from tennis yesterday evening, he told me that he had parked his car kinda weird position and hoped that i was able to park it straight. Just went i cycled home from a game of tennis with Quek. Well, i'm not good in tennis, maybe i'm being lazy with my footwork. I've seen lots of videos on tennis and picturing myself playing like them, but it was too tough... Physically demanding kind of sports.
Ok now it's the starting of the first match, soderling to serve. He's now down with 15 - 30 :D
Woots now it's 30 - 40 and he lost the first game with a double fault to Federer :Laugh:
Had mahjong last night, and i won abit of money. Lucky to the the last game, i won or else overall loss money :x Heehee :p
Friday, June 5, 2009
Tiring Friday... Shooting = Marksman :D
My face has more pimples recently, i'm not too sure why... Maybe i didn't have enough water or sleep. These are the two major factors which i am always lacking of :x
Oh well tiring day, later got to play mahjong :D I hope that i'm able to think straight and do better titles and win :)
That's about it today :x kinda tired...
will upload the pie pictures tomorrow :)
Brother is getting his car today :)
Not sure how it'll turn out to be :D Hahaa...
Hope that he will lend his car to us though :(
That's all :)
Shagged out :x
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Guess it's about time...
I have decided to spend less time on facebook and msn...
I'm happy to see her online in msn, wanting to chat with her, but her reply always made me... awwwww *banging the wall*
I don't know, i think in order not to feel this way, i have decided to end it all then...
That's about it.
And i've decided to blog everyday :)
I think blogging is very nice... it's like a close friend of mine, something personal :)
I can talk about anything and nobody will read it because i'm a nobody :)
I'm so happy :)
Ok, i shall move on now and not be bother by anything anymore :)
Study study study
Money money money
That's about it...
It's time for a transformation...
2 years... is a promise i have for you and that's all... i may be seen as happy go lucky but once i made a promise, i'll stick by it all the way... it's because of this, i'm hurted most of the time...
Oh well stupid me, who will wait for you for 2 years !!! She's going out with somebody and who knows she's already... yeah and might get married next month... oh well i'm still a v... argghhhh thinking and talking about this made me so pissed... Friends around me all already you know... Hai WTF !!! I think i better be a monk sia *((&#@&*#@ WHAT THE HELL am i talking here !!! AWWWWW
Ya that's about it then...
She doesn't even update her blog anymore :' (
Forget about it... Friends come and go just like that... This is life... no doubt...
Happy and sad day...
Happy that i know my results... Although i didn't really expect the grades to be very Good, it turned out to be fairly well... Expecting to get at least one High Distinction, but my hopes were gone when i realized that i had many careless mistakes... And yes, it turned out that i needed only few marks to get a HD for that module... Hahaa hope to do better next semester :)
Sad is that i dreamt of her again... It's always like this... Whenever i wokeup early in the morning around 5am, i will try to get back to sleep because it's way too early to wakeup, then i dozed off and that's when i always have dreams... I dreamt of her again... This time round was different from the usual dream... And i dreamt of my secondary school friends... I was wearing very smartly, shirt, tie and pants while ah bui and ah blur were wearing very smartly as well... It was like a huge supermall, and we gathered to have a lunch or something and that's when i caught a glimpse of her opposite the place where we were having our lunch... I saw her, definitely it's her... She was sitting side-way facing me while i was sitting facing her direction... She was with another man, Someone who looked familiar but i don't know who the hell he is... They were having their lunch as well... While i was chatting with my friends, the man who was sitting with her kept giving me a kind of "want to fight" kind of stare... I was feeling uncomfortable... The kind of cold stares that will start a fight.... Who the fark is he anyway... I ignored it, i looked at her, she's still as beautiful and gorgeous as before... Oh well, back in my mind i was like, it's the past already and i have already decided to move on, so i ignored and chatted happily with my friends... I don't know what happened, when i turned and looked at where they were having their lunch, they were gone.... Weird, just in split seconds... Hahaa Then i wokeup...
Yes it's bothering me... Although i promised to you that i will look forward, but it's these kind of dreams that made me back to my old ways... I don't like it... I feel like telling you, yes i see you online, but i guess i'll just keep it to myself... Since it's my private own matters... I guess i'll never talk to you, that's about it :-(
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
The day i saw ronaldo girl
She was someone we named Ronaldo girl in our poly days purely because she was the "sunshine" girl... She really was the sunshine type of girl, tanned looking, looked kind of strong and fit :) She's pretty...
I was standing at one corner, reading my Harry Porter Half Blood Prince story book when i felt so uneasy... I felt that all the guys standing around me became so manly... Oh well i thought i was over-sensitive or whatsoever, i was standing near the opposite door, facing out, the side door which won't open at all, then i turned my head over, WOW i saw her. It was this instance that she turned her head towards my direction as well... OH GOSH !!! We looked into each other eye's like for less than 2seconds, immediately i turned away... SHE WAS GORGEOUS I"M TELLING YOU... She slimmed down... Her used to be round chubby healthy face turned out to be MAGGIE Q's kind of look, long and slim and pretty !!! OMG SHe's really really pretty... No wonder all guys' attention was on her... That's why i realized that i wasn't really over sensitive... There she was standing in the middle of the two doors... Her tanned is so nice, since poly days she already had that tanned but presently, she's much much prettier maybe because she has slimmed down, no longer the chubby her...
She was from the dragonboat cca... I was telling my poly friend about her and he was like are you referring to the ronaldo girl.. KAO it was damn long ago and i almost really forgotten about it... Hahaa her nickname we gave her was Ronaldo !!! Hahaa don't want to elaborate on why we named her Ronaldo... She's really gorgeous, i don't know... OMG i hope to see her again though :X
Then came my stop station, and i got to alight... Guess what, the guy standing beside her refused to move away so i could go out !!! I was so angry... Kao i don't think by standing beside her will make her like you idiot men !!! I didn't really glance back at her, *Regretting now* 0-*!!!!! AWWWWWW hahaa ya that's about it...
Oh well i didn't really talk to her today maybe because due to the fact that she said it's private... I guess i shouldn't be so busybody and troubling her... She has her life and she said it went very well... I'm happy for her :)
But don't be dwelt by your past... Your note in FB made me drop a tear you know :\ maybe because i know how it feels like. Now you just got to look forward my dear :)
Good Luck :)
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Not a great tuesday
Yeah had a wonderful dinner last night, my mother's curry chicken.... I had it with Toasted Bread... She makes very very nice curry chicken... and going to have hor fan for tonight's dinner Heehee... I don't actually mind having curry chicken for dinner with toasted bread though, but she said she bought the hor fan already, oh well i guess i'll have hor fan and curry chicken the same time :D~
Recently i found myself eating less and less, maybe because of her, she told me about one should take good care of oneself and you will be what you eat :) I want to be good i want to feel good ya that's about it... watched last night match, haas of germany against my favourite roger federer... It was adrenaline rush.... Federer lost 2sets of the matches... and haas was playing so well. I could see the victory in his eyes until the 3rd set, match 7, whereby haas leading a 4-3 over federer while federer was struggling to hold onto his serve... Federer was down 40-15 i guess or was it 40-30, Haas had the opportunity to breakserve and ultimate win Roger Federer... You guess what !!! The crowd cheered for Federer, i guess the ambience did play a major pyschology part, Haas was affected and here came the down hill for him... Federer struggled and managed to hold onto his service game... After the 8th game, which federer had hold served, he let out a loud cry, BOosting himself to work upwards... Yeah it was exciting.... Federer became ultimate warrior, although he was down by two earlier sets, which Haas played very well with his game plan, deep serve, and hit towards the backhand of federer and drop shot, he was affected by the crowd and wasn't thinking straight... Federer transformed to another form, the old winning Federer, he had less unforced error and played safe without taking stupid opportunities which Haas had constantly been feeding him... It's part of Haas game plan... which made Federer to hit it wide,out.... Yeah and slowly Federer won the 3rd set by breaking Haas's service game...
Came 4th set, federer was owning... He took the set i think was within half an hour, 6-1...
Now final 5th deciding crucial match... You can see Haas was back on his feet... Standing the ultimate form of Federer, the game proceeded, Federer had his chances of breaking Haas's first service game, but Haas remained calm and cool and took the 1st match, as the game proceeded on, you could see that Federer had played something different from his previous matches, he was attacking more aggressively then previous set games. Ultimately, he won over Haas. I was happy for him :)
Oh well talk about the girl, i guess she's in love with her date... Although i didn't really talk to her, i guess that's about it. I wish her all the best and goodluck :)
I think i'm heading to honglim to have my lunch. It's been a long time since i had the Dumpling soup noodles :D~ Very nice, from the chicken chop noodles stall :) but today is tuesday, i hope it's opened though :p Or else i'll have to scratch my head again on what to eat :S
Signing off
Steven :)
Monday, June 1, 2009
Monday bluzzzz
Had a wonderful lunch yesterday afternoon, had steamboat at home because two friends came over to our house for lunch, had a wonderful great meal and i am going to have curry chicken for dinner tonight :D~ Yeah !!! Hahaa... That's about all...
NADAL Lost in last night's Roland Garros Tennis match against Swedish Giant, Robin Soldering. Nadal didn't really play well, that's why he lost :x Hahaa, Good news is !!! MARIA SHARAPOVA won the match against Na Li of China. Although Na Li did play very well, Sharapova's EEWW AWWW EWW AWW paid off... Hahaaa!!! :D I like her :) She's cute and tall :) The kind of girl i would love *Blushingz* I guess many guys out there do like her as well :p
And serbian Ana Ivanovic didn't play well against her opponent, Victoria Azarenka, the number 9th seeder... Ana made lots of unforced error, i guess she was nervous that's why she lost the match :x Ok that's about it, More actions to come and i'm looking forward to Roger Federer winning this Grand Slam :) Murray is good... As for Tsonga, he's form is kind of on/off... Although he has a very powerful serves, and ultimately doing a strong forehand stroke aiming towards the opponent's backhand position, Roger Federer will definitely break his momentum by using sliced backhand... Heeheee Go Federer Go !!! :D
As for my health wise, really not feeling well... don't know why, most probably because i'm been quite conscious about my intake of food, the type of food i'm eating and the amount i'm taking in... Or maybe i'm transforming into an adult, MAN!!! I find that i've been quite forgetful about things and events... Ya, i'm getting old i guess...
Friday, May 29, 2009
A dream i hope will not appear again...
Oh well it's friday, it's her dating day, i think she's looking forward to this day... for this day is quite crucial to her as she got to know him better... well i feel happy for her, and i refrained myself from chatting with her although i see her online... oh well i think that's the way man :)
No one to chat with, hahaa but myself... I know if i were to tell her about my dreams, i'll get a lecture then she will go on and say those things again which i don't like to hear... "Ya it's your life, no one bothers one one cares, it's your life, your choice why should anyone be bothered!" YHa some sort of this way... She's weird, instead of consoling people, she went on to scold you... hahaa that's how cute she is... but then it's something which with me for almost more than 2 years now... it's not something which you want to forget then you will forget, i did try and am still trying and i guess it's getting better now at least i'm more firm... although more firm doesn't really go well with you, yeah but i'm happy with it... Oh well i hope she will share her date today with me next week... keke... clubbers, hmmm i will give 1 out of 50 guys to be a good one though :x I hope that guy is this 1/50 kind of guy :)
Laalaaala, it's going to be weekends, i guess i want to buy some new clothes, but can't spend too much... I wish to buy something new, wear something new, instead of wearing the same old clothings which will remind me of her... Ya this is how bad it is, but school is going to reopen soon and i have to pay one chunk of huge money to the damn bloody suckers :x Oh well what to do...
This is life... I'm heading to IMM this saturday with YoYo, hoping to buy a pair of sneakers and maybe some shirts :D And maybe head down to jurong point ? It's been revamped so ya most probably more guys shops :D Nice Food :D
Thursday, May 28, 2009
An Article from Business Time on Poverty
The story which made me remember what i had in mind was this...
The story of someone by the name Jehangir, one of the 'thousands' of people they interviewed.
It illustrated how tragic collision of dogged effort against a world of banks and laws that seems to plot against the poor.
Although we know that the cycle of poverty is hard to break, countries might try to break via by educating the people and subsquently hoping that they will break the cycle of poverty. The fact is, because of the differences in the status of one, prevents the benefits of the one to borrow money to assess while the one's in need of immediate attention be it health or housing, cause the issues relating to poverty.
Like the article had mentioned, he is a chronically poor man in Uttar Pradesh, northern india.l He worked decades as a labourer on other people's land hoping that one day, he's able to have his own bicycle, land and house. One day, his parents died unexpectedly. By then, he managed to own his very own bicycle but was unable to financially afford a funeral for his parents, he borrowed money from moneylender because banks don't lend out money because of his social status. Moneylenders, the thought of high interests obviously come into the picture.
His wife started working to repay the moneylender as well, as did his two young songs. Pulling a child out of school may be a good way to quickly help repay a loan, but it's a dubious long-term investment decision in a country where education determines everything. What matter now is more important than the future, the thinking of being in a poverty cycle.
Then it came that he managed to save enough to build his very own house but one day the wall collapsed, injuring his limbs.... He had to borrow money from moneylenders once again for treatment as well as accomodation by building new room for his family... This is tragedy... As he recovers, he's being paid lower than he used be being paid due to his not fully abled body... So tell me how to break out of poverty? In singapore, i see children wasting food, complaining these, complaining that... I do want to help out in the social organizations... I really want to do a part to help these people... Why can't the rich help to stablize their lifestyle, build something, provide them a job at least having a job enables them to have the light to live on...
Awwwww i don't know what i'm talking about...
Terrible feeling... Awwwwww
Then i was lying down on my sofa, chatting with merilyn and watching tennis the same time... Hahaa she didn't even know that the timetable is already out then she went on complaining the same things i complained to myself in the afternoon... Hahaa FOOKUP !!!
Morning came, although i finished watching the whole of the tennis matches, i didn't really stay up for the big match between barca and manU... Hahaa... The first thing i did when i wokeup, DIARRHOEA AGAIN !!!! Awwwww something is really really wrong... might be the lor mee i ate yesterday afternoon ? Or the claypot laksa i had the 2days ago ? I guess i'm skipping my lunch again later, most probably going to have something sweet and light. 2pieces of papaya and 2pieces of mangoes :) My favourite :D And most proabably abowl of the redbean soup with 2 riceballs, sesame and peanuts :D AWWWW delicious they are just so irresistable :x
Yup that's about it, she's going on her date tomorrow. I wish her luck from the bottom of my heart and i truely hope that someone good and nice can take care of her. That's about it. Exams results are coming really soon... i know i didn't really do well this time... i hope i am able to do it better this coming semester :) Yup that's about it. Well i guess i'm not going to talk to her anymore... The more i talk to her, the harder for me to get away :)
I had a resolution this morning... I subscribed myself to the googlereader.... It's a fun and easy kind of tool which one can use to read lots of things/information on the web... Cool i love it and i have decided to read and know more about the world and what's happening. I hate reading SG Newspaper... Always painting the beautiful pictures and hiding all other issues... It's so "controlled" in a way that it's not interesting to me... heehee :)
I'm going to IMM this saturday with YoYo... I hope that by going out, i'm able to break free from what i was in the past :) Awwwww YoYo is a nice guy, he has some weird habits and interests... Haha that's him.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tummy Day~~~~
Kind of weird, yesterday around evening time, my brother asked me if i needed money for my education. I was like wow so are you subsidizing my school fees har ? So nice of you ? Hahaa. Then he told me he wanted to buy a car. Oh well he passed his driving test few days ago... As for me, i had mine for about almost 2 and a half years. Although i have the thought of buying a car as well but due to furthering my studies and climbing up the higher ladder, i choose to study to a car...
Yesterday was kind of happy and sad for me... I don't know why... Kind of happy that i know her even better and kind of sad that this is the very far we can be with each other... As in, i know my limits... i know myself very well from my past relationships... I know i'm not ready at all... She was telling me about her past, her uni days in aus, her days she got lost HAHAHA i seriously cannot believe that girls cannot read maps !!! HAHAHA this is so funny :x oppsss Then she went on telling me that she went clubbing... oh well clubbing... a place i don't really like to visit though :x then she told me she had fun she was drinking and got drunk. Hahaa ok girls should know how to take care of themselves and be wary when they are drunk... I came across lots of reports :x Ok then she told me she gave her no. to someone she thought was a better one among many others. I was like "WOW" ok... that's when i feel kind of sad and happy. She's nice oh well ya that's about it though :)
Then i was asking so many questions about her and her new date... She sounds happy too... I should be happy for her as well hahaha. It's so unlike me to ask so many questions... Oh well i hope the very best for her :)
Time is not right yet. I'm a very patient man :) I can wait and i'm more focused than ever. I know i need to climb on and move on. I know i need a life, to know someone and love someone someday :) But the time isn't now. Oh well what can i say ? :)
She pulled me back from the darkness into dim light and from the dim light i walked towards the brighter light. She has become someone special to me. Special in a way that i am able to share everything and anything about whatsoever. Maybe because we don't see each other or even talk to one another. This is the kind of special weird relationship i like :x I'm weird hahaa but if you know me in person, you will know i'm a man of few words. I don't really talk much.
:) That's about it... today i saw one of my secondary school friend and she's working in one of the big advertising coys... it has been a very long time since i last seen her. Hahaa i guess she was shocked in the way i dressed myself today... Awwwww everytime i see them, they always comment on my hair without fail. Hahaa. It's time for me to trim my hair :) After my reservice, i guess i'm going to have some nice color on them as well :)
That's all for today :) I hope i can and able to continue my daily diary as mentioned by sandy. Hahaa i'm was stunned when she told me that she had a written diary !!! Kaoz hahaa ok :)
Monday, May 25, 2009
Rejection but feeling happy :)
I told everything to her via msn... She got angry and scolded me terribly... Well i guess i really deserved it... And really thank her once again... She got so worked up that i can sensed that she's really upset and angry over my stupidity... I don't know... I'm kind of sad when she's like that... She had gone through worst than anyone else so i hope she will be more happier and this is from the bottom of my heart... I want her to be happy always :)
Then while i was having lunch, i kept thinking, it's always me telling her about my problems and i seriously know nuts about her except what she had gone through and that's about it... All along i wanted to ask her out to thank her and today, i asked her if she wanted some rice dumplings because my house made some. She rejected the idea. Hahaa. I like her... Then i went on and ask her if i were to ask her out, will she say yes, she rejected although she didn't really say a no... awwwww hahaa but i'm feeling much better after letting her know that i want to ask her out... That's about it :) and i'm feeling much better now because of her :)
Today i found out something about her, her religion, her daily lifestyle and what kind of girl she is :) That's good enough :)
Everyday it seems that i have this urge to see her online in either msn or fb... I don't know why, but i feel happy just by seeing her online :)
Although she doesn't really say bye when she's off her work, today i did the initiative by saying Bye to her first but her reply was, since you said bye oh well i should say bye.... Awwwww hinting me that i wanted her offline !!! Hahaa she's this cute isn't she haha :)
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Weird me...
I have come to realize that i'm becoming weird lately... I find myself feeling uneasy and uncomfortable whenever i don't see her online... Awwwwwww... I don't know why... All i know is i'm happy when i'm able to chat with her even to the extend of just saying hi how are you :) kind of stuff... Maybe it's because i'm lack of focus on my job :x It's been in my head lately. I want to ask her out. I want to ask her if she's free to catch the movie Angels & Demons with me. I know there is no point in asking my friends because they all have gone to watch the show without me :( hahaa but i'm afraid. I don't know why. Maybe it's because i'm afraid of losing the future chances of even talking to her>? I'm this kind of person, i'll think far ahead of things. Many possibilities and weighing the outcomes before deciding on going ahead of not and i guess i'll give this a miss... guess i got to watch it alone :\
She seems busy today, i guess... I'll busy too in the days to come:) but i'll always find time to chat with you :) Heehee i don't know why... i like the way it is now :) I'm happy and i realized after so long that i've been missing so much things... All thanks to her :)
My hair is getting longer and i think it's time to go trim it short... heehee although short hair doesn't suit me well but what to do, reservice is coming !!! Awwwwww.... hahaa :)
Something which i found on the web which is nice to read :)
Love does not need a reason.
Lady: Why do you like me..? Why do you love me?
Man: I can't tell the reason.. but I really like you..
Lady: You can't even tell me the reason... how can you say you like me? How can you say you love me?
Man: I really don't know the reason, but I can prove that I love you.
Lady: Proof? No! I want you to tell me the reason. My friend's boyfriend can tell her why he loves her but not you!
Man: Ok..ok!!! Erm... because you are beautiful, because your voice is sweet, because you are caring, because you are loving,
because you are thoughtful, because of your smile, because of your every movements..
Unfortunately, a few days later, the Lady met with an accident and was in a coma. The Man then placed a letter by her side,
and here is the content:
Because of your sweet voice that I love you...
Now can you talk? No! Therefore I cannot love you.
Because of your care and concern that I like you..
Now that you cannot show them, therefore I cannot love you.
Because of your smile,
because of your every movements that I love you..
Now can you smile? Now can you move?
No, therefore I cannot love you...
If love needs a reason, like now, there is no reason for me to love you anymore.
Do love need a reason? NO!
Therefore, I still love you... and love doesn't need a reason.
A sick Day
Today i ain't feeling so good and took the opportunity to rest and sleep in office x_X'' Heehee
I really wanted to say thank you to someone special. She's sweet looking, nice, kind and charming and also knows how to really take good care of herself. She's also someone who reprimanded me on something which i've kept deep inside of me and also which i refused to let go. Her words and what she had gone through made me thought otherwise and gave me the strength and courage to spill it all out to her and she's truely the only person who knows what i had been keeping inside of me. Although it's kind of weird that i have never seen her in real person and we are just strangers and slowly she became a friend of mine in one way or another; not sure whether does she treat me as one though haha, nevertheless she became someone truely close to me; someone special. If i have one thing to say, give me 2 years time :)
I was feeling down all the time but that's going to change.
Furthermore, i came across one interesting article on symphony 92.4FM's website about "Growing Older or Growing Up".
And i really want to share with all people who happen to come to my blog and reading stuff :)
Here it goes;
The first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didn't already know. I stood up to look around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder. I turned around to find a wrinkled, little old lady beaming up at me with a smile that lit up her entire being. She said, "Hi handsome. My name is Rose. I'm eighty seven years old. Can I give you a hug?". I laughed and enthusiastically resounded, "Of course you may! " and she gave me a giant squeeze.
I then asked, "Why are you in college at such a young, innocent age?" She jokingly replied, "I'm here to meet a rich husband, get married, have a couple of children, and then retire and travel." "No seriously," I asked. I was curious what may have motivated her to be taking on this challenge at her age. "I always dreamed of having a college education and now I'm getting one!" she told me.After class we walked to the student union building and shared a chocolate milkshake. We became instant friends. Every day for the next three months we would leave class together and talk nonstop. I was always mesmerized listening to this "time machine" as she shared her wisdom and experience with me.Over the course of the year, Rose became a campus icon and easily made friends wherever she went. She loved to dress up and she reveled in the attention bestowed upon her from the other students. She was living it up.At the end of the semester we invited Rose to speak at our football banquet and I'll never forget what she taught us. She was introduced and stepped up to the podium. As she began to deliver her prepared speech, she dropped her three by five cards on the floor. Frustrated and a little embarrassed she leaned into the microphone and simply said "I'm sorry I'm so jittery. I gave up beer for Lent and this whiskey is killing me! I'll never get my speech back in order so let me just tell you what I know."As we laughed she cleared her throat and began: "We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing. There are only four secrets to staying young, being happy, and achieving success.""You have to laugh and find humor every day."
"You've got to have a dream. When you lose your dreams, you die. We have so many people walking around who are dead and don't even know it!""There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up. If you are nineteen years old and lie in bed for one full year and don't do one productive thing, you will turn twenty years old. If I am eighty seven years old and stay in bed for a year and never do anything I will turn eighty eight. Anybody can grow older. That doesn't take any talent or ability. The idea is to grow up by always finding the opportunity in change." "Have no regrets. The elderly usually don't have regrets for what we did, but rather for things we did not do. The only people who fear death are those with regrets."
At the year's end Rose finished the college degree she had begun all those years ago. One week after graduation Rose died peacefully in her sleep. Over two thousand college students attended her funeral in tribute to the wonderful woman who taught by example that it's never too late to be all you can possibly be.
She seems kind of sad and frustrated. I wish i could do something to brighten her up. I know i can't do anything because she simply feels very irritated. I love talking to her over online messaging...
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Chinatown Steamboat
It was eccentric dining steamboat we had... eating heartily in the midst of many people walking past beside you every single second when you were lavishing the wide spread of food available :x
I had a very wonderful time indulging myself with many many prawns :D
hahaha the shop opens from 11am till 5am in the morning daily, we were having this thought, like how about taking a day off in one of our weekdays and come here to eat the moment they open the stall till they close shop ? hahaha it will be out of this world...
ok personal life event aside, i read from yesterday's newspaper that ebola has resurfaced itself in the philippines-Manila. Now if you do a simple search on the word ebola, you will find out that it has 4 different genre, namely the Ebola-Ivory Coast, Ebola-Sudan, Ebola-Zaire and Ebola-Reston... It was reported that this was the first time the virus has been discouvered outside of monkey and this time round, in our food-producing animal; pigs... it quoted saying that the Ebola Reston strain was found last October in tissue samples tested in the US from six pigs from farms in Northern part of the philippines.... so i was wondering what else can we eat? Have mad-cow diseases, Bird-flu virus and now!! PIGS with ebola... It's time we convert ourselves to vegetarians... Saying about Bird-flu virus, China; Yanjiao (Hebei) has issued a bird-flu alert after a woman died of the virus...
Back in my mind was, what causes all these viruses and diseases? In the past, do they exist? Many medical experts have predicted that the word evolution or transmutation are the causes of these viruses or diseases... *Sighzz
Saturday, January 10, 2009
New Year new beginning!
In my field of work in a Consultancy firm, i have received feedback that many coys are freezing wages while some in bad shape, have decided to cut wages and furthermore, some are actually axing so as to cut down the costs... overhead costs etc etc... ok shall not go further into this...
in economics term, when there's an increase in unemployment rate, there will be deflation... but as we can see, things aren't cheap nowadays... was browsing through strait times, then realized that the costs of the newspaper had actually increased... as i flipped through the paper, i came to the NTUC fairprice page where they show case all the good deals... was scanning through roughly and come to know that all prices of things have actually gone up... with the economy in such a bad shape, can't someone do something about it?
nevertheless, i just hope that everyone is healthy and in good shape... no matter what happens, do not fall sick. Medical attention isn't going to be cheap... and they are going to up the prices...
Life is getting tougher and tougher each passing month... year...
Since i'm touching on health issue, i shall share this...
Food additives may make lung tumour grow.. so what is/are this/these food additives?
From the Mind your Body newspaper, it says that phosphorous-contatining food additives which are found in soft drinks and processed food ( meaning sausages/cheese) my favourite, may lead to tumours... so people who are cheese or sausages lovers like me, do take care :x
Maybe i shall have a new year new resolution, to update this blog of mine with health awareness issues and digital stuff.. it'll be cool... ya with my poor lousy english though :D
Oh yes, almost forgotten to touch on my studies... as i was saying, i've been procrastinating... always been indecisive about my decision when it involved huge amount of money... yes studying... after many many months of thoughts and working in the same company, i have come to realize that i have to really go back to study to climb a few steps higher... there are many things which i'm unawared of, issues that i don't understand and many many things i don't really know... i've decided that i have to do something about it and i enrolled myself in a degree course... hopefully it's be a fruitful one for me :S